MASS MoCA by the NUMB3R5, 2024
Data-based, Mixed Media Exhibition
Commissioned by MASS MoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts
Denise Markonish, Co-Curator and Project Director
Sue Killim, Co-Curator and Project Director
Paulette Wein, Resident Historian and Data Wrangler
Amy Chen, Production Coordinator and Magician
This project is best understood as a compilation of big statistics alongside the stories that make them breathe. MASS MoCA is hard to categorize. It’s more than a museum; it’s like a “best friend,” someone or someplace you know through its multitudes. The bricks, windows, events, patrons, ice cream flavors, and artists all comprise the DNA of the last 25 years and will continue to do so well into the future. These numbers are what bring us to life, make us run, jump, sing, dance, laugh, and find wonder throughout this campus.
Whether you are interested in miles of HVAC ductwork, the critters that have occupied the buildings, the number of pencils used in the Sol LeWitt wall drawings, or the number of crystals by Nick Cave, MASS MoCA By the Numbers allows you to see anew the art, buildings, and amazing people who have brought the dream of this place to life. However, we caution you to take these numbers with a heavy grain of salt, for it really is hard to count all the MASS precisely!